Sunday, 12 June 2011

Humber, Dogger, German Bight....

After a week of luxury in the most comfortable bed in the world, we came down to earth a bit last night with a bed that while not uncomfortable, is a little on the small side. Well, when you are our size and younger used to a king size bed......!

We slept well enough despite the lack of room, and awoke to a bright, sunny Sunday morning. We decided to go to Sherringham today, if only to discover if the fondness I think of the town with is deserved, or has my judgment been clouded by memories of our last visit three years ago?

As it turns out, the fondness is well justified. It is pretty much as I remembered it, most of the shops remain the same, but we were horrified to learn that it seems as though Tesco have won their long battle to get permission to open a store. It hasn't happened yet, but we gather it is signed and sealed. I just hope it is not the death of the rest of the town, as that would be a great pity.

We had a look around the town, but about a third of the shops were closed. Sunday opening has still not become the norm there despite the large number of tourists. It was busier than we ever saw it last time.

We got back to the 'van around 3pm, had a pot of tea and some biscuits, and I had a look at the photos I had taken of the steam trains at Sherringham Station. Due to the lousy Internet connection, I have not been able to upload many to Flickr just yet. Sally had bought a craft magazine about knitting and crochet, complete with a starter pack of wools and needles. She can knit, but has never learnt o crochet properly, so was hoping this would get her started. Between us we decoded the so called help sections, and she made a start.

While this was going on, it started to rain. Gently at first, but then the wind picked up, and it got progressively worse. It has now been hammering down for a few hours, and the wind has blown a few bits off the trees. It is also cold enough that I have put the central heating on again. Thank goodness we are not in a tent! It is almost as noisy as being in a tent mind you. We have had Radio 4 on the TV, and have had to turn it up couple of times. There is a program on ITV we want to watch soon, so I hope the volume will go high enough for us!!

Right, let's see if I can get enough of a signal to get this onto 'net. Goodnight, hope we sleep tight.......

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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