Tuesday, 8 June 2010

Monday 7th June

Woke to the sound of rain on the windows. More like heavy drizzle than full blown rain, but the grey skies did not look promising.

A shower, tea and cereal later, and still the day remained murky. We decided to head to Pembroke again for a look around the shops. Once again we found the road signs there rather confusing and missed the car park first time. Once more around the town and we managed to find our way into it. 4 hours for 50p was a worry - usually the cheaper it is to park, the less there is to see, so we left the car park expecting the worst.

It actually turned out to be a pretty good little town. Not a huge number of shops, but most of them quite interesting. We found a Lloyds Chemist and were very happy to discover that they still have their blood pressure monitors at half price, so for £15 we got ourselves set up with one. Sally also got herself a thin hooded top at a shop that was full of bargain clothes. I didn't get anything. Sniff.

The rain was settling in a bit more now, and as tempting as it was to have a wonder around the castle, we felt it better to move on. Pete at work had suggested that Narberth was well worth a visit, so we headed towards there.

The A roads around here are little more than the countryside B roads back home, so even a short journey can take quite a while. The roadworks didn't help either, so it took a fair while to get to Narberth, but it was well worth the effort.

Again the parking was worryingly cheap, but proved to be excellent value for money. There is a good range of shops in the town, mostly independents, and most of them interesting in one way or another. By now the rain was coming down quite heavily, and we were glad of interesting shops to look around and shelter in.

One gift shop we found had a superb selection of Crocs, and finally I have got a new pair to replace my virtually worn out ones. Well, they are 3 years old now and have seen use pretty much every day since I got them, so they have done very well. Sally got herself a new pair too, and we also got a driftwood ornament for the house.

Once again the estate agents showed a huge variation in prices for property here, though we did spot rather a nice cottage bungalow on the outskirts of Pembroke for a reasonable price.

We had a spot of lunch while in Narberth, at "Sospan Fach". (I imagine that the first word is Welsh for saucepan, but dread to think what the second one might be). Sally had a brie and cranberry baguette, and I had my usual burger. They were very nice, and good value.

It was still throwing it down with rain as we left the town, and the trip back took just over an hour even though it was only 21 miles, partly because of the weather/roads but mostly because of pesky roadworks.

By the time we got back to the flat, not only was it still chucking it down, but it was very foggy too. Can only just about make out the sea. It is very windy too. We are so glad that we are not camping in this!!

The flat is dry and surprisingly warm though, and it is nice to be back here with a mug of hot tea.

I forgot to mention yesterday that during our walk down to the beach we met a man with 5 or 6 dogs. One of them was HUGE. He told us that it was only 8 months old and still not fully grown. It was a "Leonburgher" (not sure about the spelling - sounds like a special at McDonalds to me) and when we stroked it its fur was SO soft that your hand just fell into it. It was amazing.

Sally watched a program about food on the TV while I cooked us mushroom risotto for dinner, which was very nice even if I do say so myself. Later on was a program about a bakers in London, so we had a cake during that one! I finished typing up my journal for our Norfolk holiday, so once we can get a decent signal I will put those on the blog.

Quite late to bed (11pm) and "still falls the rain" (a bonus point to anyone who can say where that quote comes from. A clue - an album cover from the late 60s)

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